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This is another version of one of my favourite compositions the center of which is 2 mooses fighting. Cut carving technique allows to make the carving light and the atmosphere airy.

Every version of this composition is not a simple repetition of the same subject but a new treatment of the scene and the material as every new moose antler dictates the forms and movements and carving lines and techniques to be applied.



This time my carving can be said to take a varied course as the canines have given way to the felines and here is the carving of THE LYNX that appeared from under my carving tool and hands: a lazily stretching big cat with an airy atmosphere about it...

Итак, на этот раз я немного сменил направление своей резьбы, и место Псовых на время заняли представители семейства Кошачьих - так появилась эта РЫСЬ, вырезанная в роге лося: лениво потягивающаяся большая кошка, вокруг - атмосфера легкости и воздушности...


This moose antler composition represents a scene from the life of the Wild, wolves chasing a moose. The idea was to create the mood and the effect of movement which involved careful study of these animals' anatomy, movement and video shootings made in the Wild.

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